Friday, October 31, 2008

#9 - Intentions

"My intentions cannot lie.
My actions do not lie.
Only my words can lie"

Monday, April 3, 2006

Gabbing on:
"Who you truly are will always show itself. You maybe able to use words to temporarily disguise your true colours but somewhere in your actions and expressions your intention will show itself.

Your intention is one thing that you cannot contain.
Whether you are aware of it or not, it is always there driving your life's course. If your intention is to love, hate or heal - your behaviour, thoughts and words will inevitably reveal this.

Your intention is your spirit's life mission. It is the thing that it works towards despite what you attempt to show to others externally.

You cannot consciously control intention, although we spend much of our life trying to dress it up to make it appear "unselfish" and "acceptable" to ourselves and those that are likely to judge us.

The most common overriding intentions are self-healing, self awareness and self preservation."

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