Friday, November 21, 2008

#14 - Affirmations(i): Context

"In the proper context we are all stunning!
True existence is the journey towards a context within which your light is blinding, not just dull or glowing. Seek your context of greatness."

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Gabbing on:
"Who's context are you living in right now?
How much of this context have you created?
How much of this context has another constructed and you have just accept without question?

Do you seek out situations and people and things that excite and move you or accept things in your surrounding that resist you, make you struggle and feel tired?

Do you seek out situations and people and things that empower your thoughts, aspirations and dreams or accept things that reinforce unrealistic expectations, disappointments and pain?

Seek the lights that have all the colours of your choosing and joys. Now radiate."

NEXT POST: "Use me wisely, I am here for you..."

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